Anjl Rodee is a Grumbacher-certified master acrylics painter.  As an artist and improv comic, Anjl founded BrushCapades Seattle for the sole purpose of using entertainment to help people accomplish something they never thought possible: learning a new skill, painting their own masterpiece— and having fun in the process.  It adds dimension to life! Come explore your artistic side in a fun and casual environment with BrushCapades Seattle.

Ashleigh Reker Celestin originally began to paint while living in New Orleans, Louisiana and was a full time French Quarter artist for many years. After moving to Seattle in 2016, she continued her to pursue her passion for painting and also sold her original art at Pike Place.  Ashleigh loves painting and working with mixed media because she finds it to be personally healing.  She looks forward to showing others how fun and therapeutic art can be! 

Brittany Hunt studied Art & Advertising at the University of Idaho earned a degree with a Digital Design Diploma from the Art Institute of Seattle.  Brittany believes that we are all artists in our own ways and we all have a creative desire in our souls that recognizes and appreciates beauty.  Her goal is to guide you through the creative process, teach you the basics of painting, and have lots of fun along the way!  “Let’s create something beautiful together!”

Carol Williams attended Seattle Central Community College and Evergreen State College.  Both supported her as a gallery artist. In addition to her passion for painting, she is a musician and lover of the natural outdoors.  Carol loves to mentor emerging artists from various backgrounds and deeply believes in the power of art to build community, bridge community relationships and create authentic space for healing.